????? Level 0
CP symmetry is broken!
Research yields 1 reputation.
????? Level 0
The J/ψ meson consists of a c and an anti-c quark.
Research yields 6 reputation.
????? Level 0
The third generation charged lepton.
Research yields 33 reputation.
????? Level 0
The third generation down-type quark.
Research yields 185 reputation.
????? Level 0
8 almost identical elementary particles that convey the strong force.
Research yields 1.0k reputation.
????? Level 0
The carriers of the weak force.
Research yields 5.4k reputation.
????? Level 0
The heaviest of the quarks.
Research yields 30.0k reputation.
????? Level 0
B mesons turn into their antiparticles and vice versa!
Research yields 160.0k reputation.
????? Level 0
It only took us 48 years to find this one!
Research yields 900.0k reputation.
????? Level 0
The first ever observed heavy flavored spin-3 particle.
Research yields 4.8M reputation.
????? Level 0
Recently discovered strange beauty baryons. Both differ only in their spin configurations.
Research yields 25.0M reputation.
Master Students 0
Cheap and enthusiastic workforce, they can save you a lot of work.
Produce 1 data per second.
PhD Students 0
They decided to do a PhD. Now they are working hard.
Produce 8 data per second.
Postdocs 0
These brilliant minds are here only to serve your needs.
Produce 25 data per second.
Research Fellows 0
You pay them a lot. They work a lot.
Produce 100 data per second.
Permanent Staff 0
Somebody who gets a permanent position in physics has to be good.
Produce 9.0k data per second.
Tenured Professors 0
They bring their own group along and are able to get a lot of work done.
Produce 120.0k data per second.
Nobel Laureates 0
They received their prize for a reason.
Produce 1.5M data per second.
Summer Students 0
Their best ideas come between two parties.
Produce 20.0M data per second.